Monday, September 30, 2013

Subtropical Desert

February 2-20, 2014

Arica, Chile


Packing list: Boots, Cargo Shorts, thin long sleeved shirt, sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, water bottles,

Adventures: The dry air makes the heat even more unbearable. I felt like the sun's rays were physically hitting me. Every gust of wind would send sand flying everywhere. It is not a mystery why there are so few organisms that can survive here. All of the plants here are adapted to small amounts of rainfall. There are even fewer animals that survival out here. I have seen many reptiles here, and they are all adapted to be able to get the water they need from the thorned plants that hold the water. There is not much variation in the height of the land. It is flat with a few rock formations that will be soon weather away by the wind and sand. Without much water available, surviving through the day is a struggle for these animals.

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